
The Perfect Mouse and Sensitivity Problem

The methodology pushed by many faces in the gaming comunity that help choose certain in game settings or equipment use a technique that changes then will immediately test for improvement. This seen in things like this or the PSA method for sensitivity and recently saw it to help choose a mouse shape.

The way that these are supposed to work is that you run through a bunch of trails of a certain sensitivity or mouse to see how comfortable it is or how well you perform with it then compare against control or other mice or sensitivities. This in itself outside of the gaming context is a perfect example of the scientific method but unlike the scientific method, it leaves quite a lot of bias/ opinion and experience/ familiarity to the user which ends up with the results being skewed. Which you never want when you are doing scientific testing. Another flaw with this is the variability of testing where it is often done quickly which neglects long time use in different situations and growth of skills and hand size and such.

PSA Method

Now that we have that out of the way for the basics of them let’s start in the details to the first of the 2 examples that I introduced at the start. The PSA method is a technique that is used to find a comfortable sensitivity through narrowing down ranges of sensitivity based on a rating system based on comfort or your testing. Why is this so bad you think if it can help you figure out a sensitivity which is the most comfortable and from comfort should come performance, yes but this method neglects the theoretical ability and properties of different sensitivities and uses an arbitrary method to use experience and comfort for rating a sens’s performance. As well because of its nature of basing comfort it just leads to a sensitivities which is closer to the theoretical better range but factors experience so it stays quite close to your old sens with no big changes ever. Now even if the testing isn’t just purely comfort rating like experimental data like Kovaak score testing which is good but for true experimental data, you have to remove bias which is your familiarity with each sensitivity so only useful if you are comfortable with a large range of sens’s or test each one for a long period.

Mouse Review Methodology

The second example just like the first is choosing something based on testing and this being a mouse methodology popularized by Voltaic (previously Sparky, which is an aiming community for improvement and advice) which runs the user through some Kovaaks scenarios for multiple mice and rating them as such. Once again this runs into the same issue as the PSA method in which there is a bias towards mouse shapes and sizes which the user is familiar with and which can provide the higher results and favour in that testing. While this is much better than the arbitrary system of PSA with the defined method it’s too focused on the one part of results and use of the mouse that is the aiming ability that is not all that a mouse is used for and there is much more depth to it. Now not to say that this method was advertised and promoted as a methodology to help and assist reviews if that personal and public which poses once again an issue if the benefit of choosing a mouse shape per your hand and experience influences the results to promote a mouse that may not have the same effect on everyone.

The Solution

While these 2 methods can be used to help in some regard alternatives should be more popularized. Again that these things are quite new and there has to be more research done for each. We can start to think theoretically about how these methods can be improved. For choosing the sensitivity I have worked on making and refining a method to get the theoretical benefits of each range of sensitivities and then choosing based on multiple factors. Now the way that we do this per my document and video we use the benefits of the ranges of low and of high sens which are control and speed respectively and then apply it to the situation that it’s needed for which is done by using the comfortable speed of humans arm and wrist movement and then change the sensitivity value to the speed of crosshair movement required in that game plus then using the benefits of speed of fast being better tracking and slower being better for clicking and apply to the situation again. Then again from that getting a range of sensitivities that is optimal and narrowing that down with comfort and playstyle.

Now for the mouse choosing method, it’s not quite defined yet as there isn’t much theory behind it which might change in the future to help people decide on the best mouse for their situation. Now we know that this will be the case but isn’t atm because there is a theoretical best mouse for each person. There must be a way to go back from that to figure out the method to work for each person. But we will see if this comes to light and I might try to do some research and help define it.

Now I hope that the community can improve these methods and the level of research done in the aiming and gaming community can be improved. I will be always trying to push the level of theory in these communities so we can all grow and improve together to become the best gamers and aimers possible.

Tags: periphirals, aim training, gaming, opinion

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